From WordPress to Hugo

From WordPress to Hugo

I’ve been writing on this site in some form since July of 2011. I’ve had multiple restarts, but I’ve always used WordPress to power the site. As of today that has all changed. I’ve migrated the site to Hugo.

Why Hugo?

Below are a few reasons:

  1. Speed - The site will be much faster loading from static pages and no longer have to rely on dynamic generated content and a database backend.
  2. Cost - Storing the site on GitHub and utilizing Azure Static Web Apps should reduce my yearly hosting costs.
  3. Markdown - I’ve been meaning to get more familar with Markdown for years. From this point forward writing articles will force me to use the syntax (no more excuses).
  4. DevOps - I’ve been meaning to upskill with GitHub and GitHub Actions. I’ve be using both to publish the site going forward forcing some much needed learning.

What’s Ahead?

I’ve completed the content migration and plan to write one or two articles per month going forward. I’m going to continue concentrating on certification and have a few articles already planned on some certifications I earned last year. I’ve also got plans to earn some other certifications this year which I plan to write about as well.

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